This mural was completed in September 2024 for the Town of Caledon for one of their Culture Days Events. Everyone in the community was invited to paint the mural inspired by the local ecosystem. Many people from all ages left their mark throughout the day.
The mural itself titled, “The Bedstraw Hawk Moth and Milkweed”
draws inspiration from the unique roles of the bedstraw hawk moth and milkweed in their ecosystems. The bedstraw hawk moth, or “gallium sphinx moth,” is admired for its rapid, hummingbird-like flight and striking wing patterns, while milkweed (Asclepias spp.) is essential as a primary food source for monarch butterfly larvae. Together, the moth and milkweed support biodiversity and ecological balance by fostering pollinator species and sustaining complex interactions within their shared habitats.
Merge Condos (Lobby) is located at 90 Glen Everest Rd, Scarborough, ON
Created for LCH Developments.
This Mural Triptych is inspired by the Scarborough Bluffs located just around the corner from this site.
The painting technique leans into abstraction with a heavy emphasis on mark making, while still being representational of the bluffs.
This mural was completed in June of 2023
This mural was created for the Cliffside Condos Presentation Centre with LCH Developments. It is located at 2229 Kingston Rd, Scarborough, ON
This mural reflects a contemporary, painterly and abstract interpretation of the Scarborough Bluffs.
This mural was completed in 2023
This mural was completed in the fall of 2022.
It was inspired by the milkweed plant and the Junction.
It includes a map of the neighbourhood in Toronto.
Milkweed’s nectar attracts many types of insects and pollinators such as bees, wasps, butterflies and hummingbirds.
It is located on a private property. It can be seen in the back alley of Dundas St West, just north of Bloor St between Chelsea Ave and Glenlake Ave.
@alywyzmurals is now @mcva_murals
These chairs were completed in May 2022
with Art & Water and their Muskoka Chair, Waterfront Project.
These chairs were displayed at Toronto’s waterfront and later available for purchase through a silent auction.
Merge Spaces is a beautiful state-of-the-art and amenity-rich coworking space. It's all about bringing the comforts of home to your office experience.
This project included 11 murals and was completed in 2022 in partnership with Cesar Rodriguez.
This mural was located in Toronto’s Christie Pitts Park.
It was commissioned by The David Suzuki Foundation and organized by Blue Dot Org.
This design was inspired by green initiatives in the city of Toronto and was painted with the inclusion of public volunteers.
It was completed in 2018 but has since been tagged and is no longer visible to the public.
Artist Assistants : Patricia Zimecki, Kevin Foster and the public throughout the event
Free Art Initiative with ALYWYZ
Lead: Mel Coleman
Toronto, Private Residence
Independent mural in the Junction Toronto. Private residence
This mural was painted in 2018 by Mel Coleman (ALYWYZ), with assistance from Mikey Li and Joefrey Anthony.
StART Toronto initiative to bring murals to unconventional spaces to beautify the city. Islington Ave and Milady Rd Toronto